• Examples
  • [Runtime] Move objects along Architect Curves

Below is an example on how to move multiple objects along an Architect Curve an also change the objects x and y position in curve space during the movement.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

using CurveArchitect.Objects;

public class AnimationExample : MonoBehaviour
    public ArchitectCurveObject aco;
    public int copies;
    public float zMaxSpeed;
    public float zMinSpeed;
    public float xMaxSpeed;
    public float xMinSpeed;
    public float yMaxSpeed;
    public float yMinSpeed;
    public float resetRange;

    private List<ArchitectCurveObject> acoList = new List<ArchitectCurveObject>();
    private List<Vector3> speeds = new List<Vector3>();
    Vector3 startPos;

    void Start()
        startPos = aco.localCurvePosition;
        ArchitectCurve ac = aco.transform.parent.GetComponent<ArchitectCurve>(); 

        //Create clones and data for clones.
        for(int i = 0; i < copies; i++)
            GameObject clone = Instantiate(aco.gameObject);
            ArchitectCurveObject aco2 = clone.GetComponent<ArchitectCurveObject>();
            aco2.transform.parent = ac.transform;

            float scale = Random.Range(0.2f, 1.2f);
            aco2.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, scale);

            speeds.Add(new Vector3(Random.Range(xMinSpeed, xMaxSpeed), Random.Range(yMinSpeed, yMaxSpeed), Random.Range(zMinSpeed, zMaxSpeed)));

    void Update()
        //Move all ArchitectCurveObjects
        for (int i = 0; i < acoList.Count; i++)
            Vector3 speed = new Vector3(speeds[i].x * Time.deltaTime, speeds[i].y * Time.deltaTime, speeds[i].z * Time.deltaTime);
            acoList[i].localCurvePosition+= speed;

            if (resetRange < acoList[i].localCurvePosition.z)
                acoList[i].localCurvePosition= startPos;
    6 months later
    MikeDanielsson changed the title to [Runtime] Move objects along Architect Curves .