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All Discussions
Broken light in example scene [Unity 2023]
Terrain in example scene dont work [Unity 2019]
[Editor] Animate deformations/followers in a perfect loop
[Runtime] Move control points (very simple)
Wrong world position while using Undo [Unity 2021]
[Runtime] Move objects along Architect Curves
[Runtime] Move object along Architec Curve (very simple)
[Editor] Create new easings for terrain blend width
CurveArchitect.Objects - ArchitectCurve
CurveArchitect.Objects - ArchitectCurveObject
CurveArchitect.Objects - Segment
CurveArchitect.Objects - Easing
CurveArchitect.Utilites - HelperEasing
CurveArchitect.Utilites - HelperLine
CurveArchitect.Utilites - HelperMesh
CurveArchitect.Utilities - BezierCurve
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